Wednesday, April 29, 2020

ML Vlogger Makes Millions for His Stupid Boils

My kid recently marveled about a vlogger who makes millions from his game videos. Now he offers free out-of-town training or booth camps at his posh place to young people who want to be trained well in Mobile Legends (ML). On top of that, he gives them P30,000 allowance each. Photo by Fredrick Tendong on Unsplash

Wow! And the guy loves to curse and say bad words online. Talking boil on the butt.

I have somewhat the same dream (I don't mean the cursing and bad words online), but its a totally different thing. I want to offer free, out-of-town evangelistic camps to young people to introduce them to Jesus and his Gospel. I want it to be a 5-day thing with all expense paid--probably at the Rizal Recreation Center in Laguna, among the best campsites. The same way with discipleship.

But I want it all to have NO strings attached. We won't require them to attend our church or bible studies or get their names and contact numbers for follow up. I hate those things. I just want them to know Jesus personally. I want it exactly like how Jesus did it. He didn't do any of the above--usual "ministry" stuff today. He gave freely and left the decision to follow him to the people.

I will need lots of money for this, perhaps the kind that this vlogger makes per month. Umm, well, not that much really--probably I'd need just a small fraction of what he makes. About P50K a month or so would do, if God allows my vlogs to make that much a month.

I don't want money from donations, solicitations or gifts from friends or anybody else. I want the Lord to favor me with earnings from my blogs, ebooks and vlog. This way, I owe no one anything. My accountability and loyalty is to God alone. No one can pressure or influence me.

I've been praying for this for years, yet God does nothing. But this guy plays ML and just like that he makes millions that enable him to "train" young people in ML. I mean, what's ML compared to sharing the Gospel and discipling believers to Christ? ML and others like it is just stupid boil on the butt to spend much money and time on.

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