Thursday, May 14, 2020

Picture from this site.
Hi! The floor drain in the bathroom is still clogged despite the hundred and one remedies we tried (with prayers, of course) and my wife almost had another body chilling side effect from her slightly elevated blood pressure at dawn this morning. Turned out she was just feeling the cool air coming from the window due to the typhoon rains. THANK GOD!

I thought we'd have to rush her again to the ER as we did some 2 months ago. It's doubly difficult to rush someone to the hospital in a heightened Covid 19 crisis. Thank God it was a false alarm. She actually had a bit of a good sleep due to cooler weather. Thank God it wasn't another boil on the butt.

Since then she's taken my advice to workout daily. I'd been telling her that but this lockdown season is the only time she has free time to actually start it. So each afternoon we workout at the garage.

Anyway, I always wonder why God doesn't answer a request on the spot? I believe with all my heart there is nothing impossible to him. I myself have been instrumental to a lot of on-the-spot or instant healing and miracle done by God. It's amazing being used in this way. It builds up faith tremendously. Yet, I often still wonder why God doesn't answer some things as quickly.

Like the bathroom floor drain.

Or like my periodic heart palpitation, tummy bloating, or silly acne on the nose that makes me look like that Christmas reindeer. Probably my "thorn in the flesh"? To prevent me from boasting about the super spiritual revelations I get from God? And which makes God's power in me perfect in weakness? Beats me. I don't know.

And I don't get it why God would use me to heal people and yet allow my illnesses to go on? I praise God that I don't need any maintenance medicine and that my heart palpitations are purely due to gas pressure in my tummy that sometimes affects my vagus nerve. That's all. Other than that, my heart doc says my heart is healthy. And I'm able to workout and enjoy life. Praise God for all that!

But sometimes I get affected when I see my bathroom floor drain clogged and flooding and my small, tiny house full of holes and rotten parts due to termites. I'm not asking for a mansion or great riches or to become a millionaire. I'm just asking for a decent house, bathroom and finances for other needs.

We own a small house in a small lot, and we thank God for it. I'm content with that. All I ask is to be able to improve it so it becomes livable and comfortable enough to stay in. I'm not asking for large estates or properties or anything like that. I'm a simple guy with simple needs. I don't need luxuries which will only prove a boil on the butt later.